
The Admin Tab provides various features and tools for managing quests, customization options, and subscription details. Below is a simple breakdown of the sections and their functionality:

Quest Management:

Starter Quests, Social Quests, Game Quests: These categories allow you to organize quests into thematic groups. Each category can be customized to fit the nature of the quests it contains, whether they're introductory challenges, social engagement quests, or game-based competitions.


This section allows for customization of the platform. Administrators can adjust the look and feel of the site, including colors, logos, and other brand-related elements. This ensures that the quest platform aligns visually with your brand identity.


The widget customization area lets you create and manage embeddable widgets that can be integrated into other sites. Customize the placement, appearance, and functionality of your quest widgets for seamless integration across platforms.


Manage your subscription and billing details here. The platform offers different subscription tiers to accommodate various needs and scales of operation, from small communities to large user bases.

Last updated