Create identity
Create identity association URL
Create an event
Log an event
List event logs
Last updated
Last updated
Creates an event log for the occurance of an event
The identity ID corresponding to the user
The ID of the event to log
Your own unique identitier for this particular instance of the event taking place. If the same unique identifier is used multiple times for the same event, it will not create additional logs. This can be useful to ensure that you do not accidentally log the same event occurance more than once.
200 OK
The ID of the newly created log entry
Whether or not the provided identity has been claimed by a user yet
Generates a url that can be shared with a user to associate an identity with their account on the platform
200 OK
The identity ID corresponding to the user
The url to share with the user to claim the identity and associate it with their platform account
Creates a new event for an action that will take place outside of the platform
Name of the event
"Level Up"
Event slug (used to call the event log api)
200 OK
The slug of the newly created event
Creates a new identity
Your own unique identitier for the identity. If the same unique identifier is used multiple times, the same identity will be returned.
200 OK
The newly created identity ID
Creates an event log for the occurance of an event
The slug identifier of the event to log
Your own unique identitier for this particular instance of the event taking place. If the same unique identifier is used multiple times for the same event, it will not create additional logs. This can be useful to ensure that you do not accidentally log the same event occurance more than once.
200 OK
The ID of the created log entry
The datetime when the log entry was created
Whether or not the provided identity has been claimed by a user yet
List event logs
200 OK