
This section provides a comprehensive suite of tools to tailor your project's look and functionality to better align with your brand identity and user engagement strategies.

  1. Upload or change your project logo. Click on the logo area to upload a new file or replace the existing one. This logo represents your brand across the platform.

2. Color Scheme

  • Primary Color: This color influences the main elements of your platform, like headers and primary buttons. Click on the color picker to choose a new primary color.

  • Navigation Button Background: Customize the background color of navigation buttons to ensure they stand out or blend with the overall design.

  • Primary Text Color: Set the color for the primary text across your platform for consistency.

  • Navigation Button Text Color: Choose a specific color for text on navigation buttons to enhance readability against the button background.

  • Secondary Text Color: This color is used for secondary text elements, providing a visual hierarchy for content.

  • Success Text Color: Define the color used for success messages and indicators, which helps in maintaining a coherent look.

  • Customize the symbol or term used for points on your platform. This could align with your branding, such as using specific terms that resonate with your audience.

  1. Hit SAVE

  • After making the desired changes, click the 'Save' button located at the top right of the screen to apply your settings.

Last updated