
The most powerful way to use HeyMint's quest platform is by embedding it on your website. This lets you take back control of your audience.

Widget functions

Our widget API allows you to initiate certain actions from the parent window.

// Set the user's identity. If the user is logged into the widget, their identity will be set immediately. Otherwise, it will be set when they log in.

Embedding the Widget

Step 1: Embed Code

To embed the widget into your website, copy the provided script and place it at the end of the HTML <body> tag of your website:

htmlCopy code<script src="https://heymint.quest/api/widget?tenantId=7323a8bf-c0c6-475f-9154-2ade0ee0d472"></script>

Step 2: Configure Iframe Location

Enter the domain names of the websites where you will embed the widget. Ensure that the domains are separated by commas if you are adding multiple domains. Example:

Copy codecuriousaddys.com, curious.xyz, heymint.xyz

Step 3: Trigger Button Position

Select the position of the widget trigger button on your site. You can choose from four options: Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Top Right, Top Left.

Step 4: Customize Trigger Button

  • Trigger Button Message: Set the message that will appear on the trigger button to prompt user interaction.

  • Trigger Button Color: Choose a color for the trigger button using a hex code (e.g., #786CC).

  • Trigger Button Icon Color: Set the color of the icon on the trigger button using a hex code (e.g., #FFF).

  • Trigger Button Image: Optionally, you can upload an image to display on the trigger button to enhance visual appeal.

Step 5: Save Changes

Once all configurations are set, click the Save button to apply the changes.

Last updated