
The most powerful way to use HeyMint's quest platform is by embedding it on your website. This lets you take back control of your audience.

Widget functions

Our widget API allows you to initiate certain actions from the parent window.

Set Identity

Sets the user's identity. If the user is logged into the widget, their identity will be set immediately. Otherwise, it will be set when they log in.

// Example:


Call softLogin to enter a semi-authed state based on the user information provided. (Note that soft-login must first be enabled on the Widget page in the Admin UI. Soft-login is also restricted to users who you have created an Identity for via the Identity API using the same identifying information.)

If a user has authenticated with HeyMint in the past, the widget will display their nickname, quest completions, custom event quest progress, and total points.

If a user has not yet authenticated with HeyMint at any point, they will be able to see custom event quest progress.

Users will also be able to view the details of each quest, but will be prompted to fully sign-in in order to complete additional quests.

// Example:
window.HMWidget.softLogin('source', 'identifier')
// Sources available: 'ethAddress', 'twitterUsername', 'discordId',
// 'googleId', 'emailAddress', 'identityId', 'uniqueIdentifier'

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